LINK: https://fb.watch/4tOYvqbt3p/

So when the pandemic started, right at the very beginning, my mother-in-law, Melissa’s Nana, she was playing oh Bunco and a dice game a couple times a week with friends of hers. And then once the pandemic hit, we had to, you know, we told her you can’t do that anymore, you guys have to stay apart from each other. So she understood and so, I think it was Melissa that decided that we could play the dice game by phone just doing a conference call. So we started that, which was really fun, it was just family that got together on the phone but was able to connect. And then Melissa had the great idea to get her a tablet. 

Now, remember, she’s 92 years old and doesn’t have a computer. So Nana wasn’t real happy about the idea but she said yeah we’ll try it. So we got her the tablet and a hotspot and I got it all set up for her, taught her how to use it. And she was so excited to be able to see everybody’s face when we were finally able to connect. Because it had been, you know, she knew it was going to be a long time before we’d see each other again. We also, on Thanksgiving I went over and we connected with family and at Christmastime she went a little crazy, pretty much the first time she ever ordered online I helped her with it, but getting Christmas presents for everyone, it was quite fun.

I just can’t imagine going through this time without being able to connect with people like this. So if this had happened ten years ago, I think myself and probably a lot of people would be having a harder time. Just having the technology to connect and be able to see each other even though we can’t be with each other.
